Marketing Advice

blackhat, greyhat and whitehat

by Harry S. Entrepreneur
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
All the topics on Apsense this one is the least talked about. I feel you have to know all to make good money even the almighty Google does the "hat trick" all the time. In hot water right now for getting caught now but others do it too. Facebook is the master!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then here is the run down:

Blackhat is the doing anything to manipulate Google search engines to believe your website/blog is popular in various ways. You can do this by using software that makes thousands of backlinks in a few hours. Blackhat can also be fraudulently using software to get paid through affiliate offers but that's even far for most blackhaters.

Whitehat is when you do things strictly by the book, proper SEO, backlinking and quality hand written content. In the long run this is maybe the best way to do things. Just follow Google's ever changing rules and you will be OK.

Greyhat is what I do when I'm on a serious venture. It is the combination of black/white hat. I find the deep dark tricks or software and use them as close to whitehat as possible.

Something we do and many people here on Apsense do is spin articles - its where you use a software to turn one quality article into hundreds in minutes. You then post those articles in directories or free blogs to get attention to the original for marketing purposes. This is blackhat. But most will consider it greyhat because just about everybody is doing it.

I use fiverr as second nature for many task in my greyhat journey. One thing I have done is buy a professional voice over for my video for whatever I'm promoting after I complete the slideshow video. Buy some Youtube accounts from Fiverr. Post the video on one account then buy some an Xrummer blast from Fiverr or where ever.

Xrummer is totally blackhat. It's a software that posts your link in this Youtube to thousands of places in mere minutes. It's spam but Youtube has been loving it over the last year or so. Now it seems so many people are doing it might not be the case much longer though.

Of course I have a squeeze page setup that get my list from with an incredible offer, I have friends in high places that have valuable junk sitting around. Then I send them to the affiliate link.

Collect $$$. If list is a nice size i will create a blog hire top writers for a dozen or so articles to captilize even more. I'm not the best writer so you have to take the good with the bad.
Oct 28th 2012 10:49

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Terry Warner Professional   My Leads Call Me
Harry, very informative. Nice article.
Oct 28th 2012 11:12   
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
Thanks Terry, I have to learn to keep things short.
Oct 28th 2012 12:17   
Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
I like your note on hiring professional voice-over as my deep down-under broad accent does me no justice. I don't use Blackhat at all..but do border on Greyhat occasionally I mainly use Whitehat for the sakes of my profile and personal brand building... I do not use VPN so my IP is always traceable
Oct 28th 2012 23:58   
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
Trev, I use voice overs because I do guest seminars for people and small companies they get nervous when I do public stuff so... As far as blackhat I wished it didn't exist it's the only problem with the internet. But you have to keep up with info in order to make serious money and avoid someone smashing your efforts. The key is to keep them from smashing what your doing.

The IP thing is what I use to keep the sharks away, once you make 5 digits monthly they smell blood. I do multiple niches so I have to keep things hidden and there are websites that do deep traces now. But if you want to branded like your doing then you shouldn't hide you have one subject and you can build trust.
Oct 29th 2012 06:13   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Harry, I have come to one simple conclusion - we both see the world of marketing through very very different eyes.

For starters, blackhat marketing is any marketing method that manipulates a system to drive you more website traffic, leads, or sales. It has nothing to do with search engine marketing or google.

If I use a tool that automatically builds safelist credits and automatically sends out emails - thats blackhat and its not something Google really caares one way or another about.

I do use blackhat marketing absolutely. I use all sorts of blackhat marketing methods. None of them relate to google or search engine marketing what so ever - but I do use specific methods.

When it comes to search engines I do nothing blackhat what so ever. Everything I do is either greyhat or whitehat and the greyhat stuff... I do very little of - and even less in the last few months. For the record use of submission tools is not blackhat or greyhat - its whitehat.... unless you are using them for the sole intent of manipulating search engines.

I have never once spun and article and in fact its a practice I tell everyone not to do, its not needed and should not be done. I write one article. I submit that article to 750 article directories.... all of them get the exact same article. I have NEVER had a duplicate content penalty and rarely if ever do any of my articles get found in copyscape... go figure.

My reason for submitting articles, is to spread my content and build my brand... not get backlinks (thus its not blackhat to use a submission tool and many article directories in fact promote usage of one tool over another).

If I had a fear of duplicate content, it would be silly of me to spin an article anyways. When you use article directories - the entire POINT is people can take and reuse those articles for free elsewhere on the net. This means your article IS going on other sites as duplicate content. In fact MANY article directories also copy each others content... making spinning articles fruitless also.

I can log into any article directory and check my stats (and so can you) and find out how many people have read a given article, and then find how many people went on to download (thus reuse) that article.

Spinning is a waste of time and all it does is fill the internet with garbage. There is nothing I hate more than finding an article about a topic, that looks like it was written by a 4th grade chinese student just learning english. And then when I click the link trying to find the real original article - I am taken to another poorly written article... and these circle jerks of content, pollute the internet. Frankly when I see them, I make note not to read further articles by the same author.

I use blackhat marketing on systems that are not detrimental to my business success. For example - if google finds out I am using blackhat methods - they sandbox me - the end of that business... may as well start over with a new business name.

If I am using blackhat method with banner exchange marketing however - the worst thats going to happen is I get kicked off a few banner exchanges - my business doesn't go belly up.
Oct 29th 2012 11:54   
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
Yes that sounds cool and we do see things differently I guess. Most people are concerned with Google at least if you really want to make serious money.

So whatever hat it is done for Google. As far as the same article most legit article sites frowns on repeating the same article all over the place. Ezine will squash that quick and all the rest of the article directories equals to Ezine so...

I personally rewrite each sentence of my article 4-20 times. Then I go into certain words in each sentence and rewrite them. Next I don't use Best, Spinner Chief, or any rag dolly program I use a Stanford spinner that reads each sentence and properly interprets, adjust.

The bottom line, there are people who aren't making one dime and struggling. They are contacting me now this hat stuff is real important but all what has been said so far doesn't make your piggy bank rattle. This is baby stuff.

If you want to make a few hundred dollars a month do what I said, work your way up to 25 articles a day turn them into about 250 articles, submit them. Once you get good which should take about a month or so, you should make $.50-1 per article per month if you are good.

What me and Mr. Bates aren't talking about is how you get to 5 figures a month. I believe anyone buys anything from me the should make $10 on every $1 they spend. And I try my best to see to it.

This person has to put in effort though. Now if I can stop upsetting Mr. Bates the deep down real secrets can come out. Where the 5 people out of 100 will take action can make life changing money.
Oct 29th 2012 13:30   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Haha Harry I sent you a private message, your not upsetting me - we jsut have VASTLY different ways. I actually like it and I am interested in lerning where you are going to carry this topic, so I will shut my pie hole now :)

Although you have inspired me to make a post (either today or tomorrow) about going from $0 to 5 figures without going bankrupt. Kudos!
Oct 29th 2012 13:45   
Harry S. Professional   Entrepreneur
Yes! Then my job here is done. I want one spot on this decent sight to have not good but great info!
Oct 29th 2012 13:50   
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