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Communication is HUGE

by Luis Miguel Faria Internet Marketing
Luis Miguel Faria Advanced   Internet Marketing
Well, here’s a secret about that secret! Leveraged Income is a whole lot easier to build if you have open and easy communication channels. Why? For starters, communication from you to your affiliates is a big part of how you duplicate yourself. In case you’re not clear about this term yet, here’s what we mean by duplication:It doesn’t…
Oct 25th 2012 05:29

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Andrew Barnes Advanced  Green living, done ethically.
I'm sorry to put this under your post Miguel, but I am unable to create a new thread. This is confusing since the group description invites us to post our opportunities, yet as a 'subscriber' creating new threads is withheld. Perhaps the moderators want to take a look at this.
Dec 5th 2012 04:23   
You are not yet a member of this group.