Profit From Home

Getting paid for two years now.

by Pascal Rees
Pascal Rees Innovator

I saw your invitation to share businesses that actualy pay....Well, I am
a member at DACO, Diversified Advertising Co-Op, and receive rebates
(payments) since they started April 2005.

DACO generates income through many diferent forms of online
business, mlm programs, domain traffic, trading accounts and many
other. We as Daco members can earn 12 ways!!!

For me DACO is my main steady income and Network for a long time.
I think many people will like it because we don't have monthly fee's or
anything. We buy Shares and receive monthly rebates...that simple.

Kind Regards,
May 7th 2007 14:52

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Susan Parr Senior   Affiliate Marketer
Your site looks interesting. My question is what is the going rate for shares?
May 8th 2007 18:17   
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