Publishing Online


by Michael Tessneer
Michael Tessneer Advanced  
For inviting me to join the group. I am happy to be here and lool forward to sharing ideas and information with the members here. Thanks again! Mike T
Jun 25th 2007 22:44

Sponsor Ads


Rocky Pacley Senior   
Are you tracking your advertisements?

If you are not tracking all of your ads you should reconsider.
These are some vital facts that should change your mind if you
are just Blasting and submitting ads to safelist without tracking.
Now you know a safelist is not the best place to get ads opened. But
when they are opened you do want to know don't you? Well it will tell
you a whole bunch about your efforts.

This method entails what you are finding out by tracking

* Total of clicks
* Unique visitors to your safelist ads
* With the proper tracking you know where exactly the click came fro
` * You know the type of bowser used
* Knowing what site your visitor came from is an asset too.

Imagine what you can do by knowing this type of info fro m tracking you ads.
That is why you will find out that using safelist and Blasters the right way
can change the way your results are. Know what you are sending and what your
intentions are it pays in the long and short run

Here is a good thing about safelist at least the good ones they supply you a
tracking method right there on the site. Take the time to utilize these small
factors. I is an assistance in the process of elemination. How? Well you will
know which ads and safelist are getting visitors that react and the safelist
that you don't see action from you know what to do. Don't use them.

There you have it some of the reasons you should start tracking if you have not
your safelist ads. Especially the ones you use your Blaster and Submitters with.

this is just a little tip to keep you in persuit of being positive using safelist.
There is plenty to know and the more you get under your cap the more successful you
will be utilizing Blasters and Submitters for safelist marketing success.

If you havn't subscribed to Submitting and Blasters grab your subscription now.

Sincere Success,

P.S. Know that you are going to get top material from your subscription, and knowing
how to implement safelist into your online marketing is the only wayyou should use them.

Jun 25th 2007 22:55   
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