Squidoo Group

I had a lens locked because they thought I violated copyright privileges.

by Terry Warner My Leads Call Me
Terry Warner Professional   My Leads Call Me
I recently created a new lens and I used three articles that I had written some time back. I was very proud of the articles and thought it would be a good idea to link these three articles together and create a new lens. At NO time did I break any copyright laws as the content was 100% mine.

However, due to it being already on the web, my lens was locked. Anyone had a similar situation?
Oct 4th 2012 14:09

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Andrew Barnes Advanced   eMarketing Consultant
Hi Terry. I haven't had the problem on Squidoo, but I did have it on a couple of Article Directories. As a result, I have now stopped using 'Article Marketing' all together as it seems that, in order to protect their own pagerank, most sites are insisting that user content is unique. Fair enough. It just means that every post of content we make has to be completely unique (I was caught with rewritten PLR articles which I thought I had been quite thorough with). since each post now needs to be unique, I am using squidoo, hubpages and a couple blogs to post instead as they rate higher and create more buzz than article directories.
Oct 10th 2012 08:40   
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