Squidoo Group

How often do you make a new lens?

by Terry Warner My Leads Call Me
Terry Warner Professional   My Leads Call Me
Do you run several lenses at a time? I like having 2 to 3 lenses so I can attract different markets. You comments welcome.
Sep 23rd 2012 08:58

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I tried to create lens last year, to no avail, squidoo kept saying it was spam and so my lens didn't pass approval.

Since then, I have seen my friend Angelcho create lens, and they don't seem more spammy than mine, so I might try again.
Sep 23rd 2012 09:22   
Terry Warner Professional   My Leads Call Me
Please try again. If I can help, just email me. Also I just published a new lens, so take a look for some ideas. Whatever you do, don't give up.
Sep 23rd 2012 11:40   
tony lee Advanced   Freelancer, Blogger, Internet Marketer
I always try to create lenses as often as possible. In fact, my partner makes up to 5 lenses every three days! It's up to the way you write and if you can handle it. Try some challenges like 30 lenses in 30 days. You dont have to do all 30 but if you get a good 20 out of 30 days thats success coming to you.
Nov 4th 2012 04:35   
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