Business Support Group - SalesJuku

The Death of "Information Overload"

by R. Weatherly Business Professional
R. Weatherly Magnate II   Business Professional
Hi Readers,

Last week,

Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell had an Interesting Video based on a "SURVEY" to Mike's list.

He asked his list a questing.

"If you are not having Success, but you see Others having Success, What do you think the reason is?"

The overwhelming response was'

"Information Overload."

So Mike had a meeting with his team and Chris Farrell to Discuss it. If you missed the "Fly -on-the-Wall" video you should check it out at his site.

But more important was how he discussed why it is a shame that so many "Out-Siders" were struggling while his own customers were doing so well with HIS program with him and Chris Farrell.

The reason. Mike and Chris Eliminate Information Overload with a CONTROLLED
8 Week APPRENTICE Program.

You go from Apprentice to CRAFTSMAN in 8 weeks.

This is not a 101 style course.

No "Glossary of terms."

It is a DO THIS and DO THAT.

They know that the Learning is a by-product of taking action.

Making money is a SKILL.

SKILLS are learnable.

They TEACH you the SKILL.

They don't teach theory.

They show you what they do in their Business.

You do what they do.

And like there current members, you can have some amazing results.

An Apprentice does not go to "School"

He Learns by doing what his Teacher does and he becomes a "Craftsman"
by doing and not learning theory.

The reasons why and how you have' to do something becomes "Self Evident"
when you do it first hand (Take Action) and see RESULTS.


You do what they teach you.


You GET RESULTS Readers.

Readers, And you LEARN from your RESULTS.

So it is simple really.

I am not going to make you wait to see the Video of what you get to learn
the price.

You can get started and strait learning from Mike Filsaime and Chris Farrell TODAY'

and you can get started for as low as $389 today.

No kidding. I spoiled the "long wait."

So if you don't want to Learn How so many of their students are already making
money EACH and EVERY Month after just 8 weeks with them, (proof on the page) and $389 is not worth your investment to stop the INFORMATION overload cycle,

Well then' Maybe the next $37 Push Button Software will be different than that last?

At least I saved you the time and you don't have to watch their Video to see what you get.

But now that you know the price of what it takes to get started Readers.

If you want to see how they will Teach you and what you get click here

If you want to break the cycle and be part of the people that Earn more than they spend then check out what they have for you

You ALREADY know there are a lot of people having success on the Internet.

It is obvious. Now. We see many people at events. I mean ten's of thousands of
people cracked the code.

Why not you?

Let me tell you'

There is NOTHING wrong with you.

You are in a bad pattern of not knowing the Good Products from the bad.

Consuming too much good and bad information and not taking action.

You know you can have the success others have.

So many of Mike and Chris's students have.

You need a mentor.

These guys will show you the Proven Blueprint so you can follow just like their other successful students did.


This takes work and dedication.

If you are finally ready to have your name on a page as a success story of someone making thousands of month, then I really think this is for you.

If I am wrong. Get your money back.

What if I am right?

Heck, you can close this email.

Keep doing what you are doing and get the same results.

Or THIS LINK could be the one that changes "EVERYTHING"

you decide.

Bet on yourself for success:

Thanks for reading,

I hope you bet on yourself.

Not for me.

But for you

To Your Success
Hildogo Jones

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I am grateful to be of service and bring you content, Like this e-mail, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that Whenever you click the links in my e-mails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases I will receive a referral commission. Your Support in Purchasing through these links enables me to empower more people Worldwide to live more conscious lives.

Thank you!
Sep 22nd 2012 08:30

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