SEO tips & tricks

Sub Domain v New Domain

by Sue Br Web Designer & Online Marketer
Sue Br Senior   Web Designer & Online...
Can anyone advise me if sub domains can rank as well as a domain? Do you think you can feed off the success of a domain by adding a sub domain to it?
Sep 8th 2012 15:09

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Trev Pearman Senior   IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Awesome questions Sue and my answer is Yes and..Yes
Most hosting packages allow for unlimited "sub-domains" but I would keep them related to your niche topic of the main TLD domain... for branching out into a new niche topic think of creating an "add-on" domain first. You would of course have to purchase and register the new domain name with a registrar ... but the hosting would be all inclusive of your hosting package. (depending on your Host Provider)
Sep 8th 2012 19:23   
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