MLM Renegade

The Dirty Truth about Network Marketing...

by Martin S. Branding & Marketing Solutions
Martin S. Innovator   Branding & Marketing...
The Dirty Truth about Network Marketing that you
MUST Understand If You Ever Want to Succeed

On the surface, network marketing organizations appear to be thriving communities of consuming customers all happy with the product that they have, but what drives that
community of thriving consumers has absolutely nothing to do with the product itself.

Let’s think about this statement.

Let me ask you a question:

Why did YOU decide to start a network marketing business?

You don’t have to say anything out loud, but answer this question to yourself right now.

I guarantee your answer is somewhere along these lines:
“Well, I started my business because I wanted to make some extra money and who knows maybe even hit it big and live my life the way I want.”

Am I right?

If you started your business because you desired more money and or time, then why is it that when you’re making your prospecting calls to your leads, you always end up talking
to them about product?

Please understand . . .

Successful Network Marketing has to do with selling your prospect on your company’s products!

To the contrary, the main thing that you should EVER talk to your prospect about is the same thing that got you sold on your company’s business . . . More Money, Time, and Freedom!

Network marketing is built on financial hopes and dreams. Honestly, if you’re looking for business builders to recruit into your organization then your prospects hopes and dreams are the only thing that you should speak to them about. (When I say talk, I don’t mean exclusively on the phone. I mean any type of conversation you conduct with your prospect like email, IM, etc.)

As an illustration of this principle think about the situation this way, if you had $200 worth of your company’s product in one hand and $200 cash in the other which do you think your prospect would choose?

The top money earners know the answer to that question and that’s why they make all the money!

Here’s the other shift in perspective that you’re going to have to make if you want to have ultimate success with your business and it’s simply a logical continuation on the points just discussed.

What you think of as your company’s product is NOT its real product at ALL!

Do you think your network marketing company’s product is its moon juice or long distance service?

If you do you’re very wrong.

Remember your network marketing business will not grow if you just push product - it will only grow if you help people to sell themselves on their financial dreams.

Your company’s real product is its sales training and marketing system.


The better your company’s marketing system and training are able to help you generate sales the better and more quickly you will be able to reap the financial benefits of your business and that’s WHY you joined your business.

To extend this point further, eventually you’ll want your downline to do all the work so you don’t have to.

The simpler and more effective the marketing system plus the stronger the training your company provides the easier your system will duplicate.

If you want to think about it in its most simple form, your company’s real product is its “duplicability”.

If you find a system that is easy to duplicate and you have your prospect sell themselves on their financial dreams you’ll have a highly successful network marketing business.

Your Job is Simple:

Find people that want to attain financial freedom your way and then shorten their learning curve so that they can go out and do the same.

Understanding the statement above is paramount to your success in network marketing.

But, If things really are that simple then . . .

Why do Most Network Marketers STILL Fail?

Network marketing is simple, but doing it the old way (i.e. cold calling people and mass direct mail campaigns) is NOT easy.

Don't kid yourself!

Here’s my view of why network marketing is notorious for having a 95% or higher failure rate..

Have you ever heard of Occam's razor?

It states that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the best. We'll use this theory to explain why more than 95% or more network marketers fail.

Most network marketers fail because the marketing methods that they are taught don't work 95% or more of the time.

So we're led to ask the next logical question, what are most fledgling network marketers taught?

Well, I can only speak from my experience, but what I was taught was to buy and cold call leads.

Now, I'm not going to say this doesn't work, but what I will say is that after six months of cold calling leads for 4 hours a day with very little success this tactic wasn’t working for me.

Honestly, unless you’re a natural born confident sales leader going into your network marketing career you’ll probably have these same results.

Don't get me wrong some people are very good at cold calling leads, but most people aren't.

What happens to most people after they've spent thousands of dollars on leads with very little success after months of effort?

They run out of money. They get burned out and then . . .

They give up.

I almost forgot, another important factor contributing to why most network marketers fail is the type of leads they use.

Why does the type of leads network marketers use make a difference?

Well . . .

Business opportunity leads, the leads most new network marketers are told to use, are generic. These leads answer an ad that just asks them if they want to be financially free or make money from home.

Well . . . of course they do! Don’t you?

But just because they want money and freedom it doesn't mean they want anything to do with YOUR network marketing program.

When the average network marketer calls these generic business opportunity leads, the leads don't know anything about the network marketer's business and for the most part
honestly don't care.

This leads to the fledgling network marketer hearing a lot of "NOs".

Hearing NO all the time leads to quite a bit of self-doubt, both about the network marketer's own ability and the validity of their association with their network marketing company.

Negative feelings begin to harbor. The fledgling network marketer's perception of their business goes from one of opportunity to one of complete doubt and negativity.

Reality ALWAYS follows perception, so because the fledgling network marketer believes both themselves and their business as having little hope this becomes TRUE.

That's why 95% of network marketers fail if you asked me.

To be continued...
May 22nd 2007 10:51

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Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Easy Brand,
it would be great to see your Picture.

Branding one's self is the key to success in any Venture.

You points on MLM are very well taken.;
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May 22nd 2007 13:49   
Shelley Innovator  
Great article. That is exactly where I am in my MLM. I mean, I feel guilty for NOT wanting to follow the system. But I have to tell feels "bass-ackwards." So I don't do it. And what do I have to lose by carving my own path? Especially with the failure rate in this industry. Heck, I may accidentally get this thing right after all.
May 23rd 2007 07:43   
Graham Hunt Advanced   
You make some very good points, however, I see something of a dilemma here.
MLM only ever works if people buy products. No product sales, no business. Any scheme that focuses only on recruiting is, as I understand it, illegal for obvious reasons.
So the dilemma comes when the reason why people get into the business is to make money yet the making of that money they crave depends on the sale of the business's product(s) The main reason I believe people pull out (as opposed to fail) is because their expectations are not met within the time frame they have set. In the world of 'instant gratification' most expect to happen now, if not yesterday.
Nothing of value happens that way. You have to work at it.
Jun 9th 2007 03:36   
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