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Life is a Phenomenal Trip! You get lots of lemons and you can make Lemonade! Sweet! :-)

by Kimberleigh Matthews Intuitive Marketer and Coach
Kimberleigh Matthews Advanced Intuitive Marketer and Coach
**Life and all nature have taught me about abundance and symbiosis, every tree, shrub and wild animal speaks of the effortlessness of being and flourishing... It makes you think, does it not?
**Neuro Linguistic Programming taught me to be interested and try to connect with people, use group dynamics and spiral dynamics, cause and effect and much more.
**Coaching Modalities taught me to listen, ask key questions, finding options, setting objectives and many other cool tools.
**Hypnosis taught me how to talk to the unconscious mind and access change and do all sorts of cool stuff...
**Then came Access, I gained access to me I learned about how to go back to the point of creation and change things energetically. Go back to the point of destruction and change things energetically - how cool is that? How does it get any better than that? Access Consciousness, I have just begun a journey in the last few months that has revolutionized my life and the lives of those I have already had the pleasure of working with. Access Bars is where it begins and you basically gain access to you as you be. Remember the time when you were a kid and you knew you could do anything, no shame, no fear, total clarity of mind, lots of joy (except when you were only sad in an effort to emulate the parents and adults in your life because they all looked like they were always sucking lemons...:-)) Remember? You knew you were great and even thought your parents were great until they proved you wrong because they had forgotten how great they really were because someone else also sold them the idea that it wasn't as great as you were seeing it... Why do people think it looks cool to look sour, sad, disgusted, and haggard and spunk-less...? Is it time yet? Is now the time for CHANGE?
My Priority: To see more Happy people not pretense... Really Happy within! How does it get any better than that? Sure, you can laugh :-) - I know you want it! And you can have it all!
Jul 26th 2012 13:23

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