How to earn $

prelaunchX, forex

by Elideson R. negócio
Elideson R. Innovator negócio
At prelaunchX, we help companies launch new products and services. Our current launch partner is code-named Forex Firm X. Before the official launch of Forex Firm X, you can begin growing your potential earnings in three ways...

1. A free, managed forex account.
2. Sign-up bonuses (up to $100 per person).
3. Monthly commissions ($10/month per person)
Jun 22nd 2012 07:08

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kamlesh rajak Committed  Online Consultancy Services
Hi after sign up company giving us $100 usd for everyone. but mostly people are confused where we can use that $100 usd can we withdraw that money or not please reply me
Jun 22nd 2012 09:53   
Elideson R. Innovator  negócio
# Can I withdraw money from the managed forex trading account?
Not yet. The forex account is owned and managed by Forex Firm X until their official launch. The managed forex account is linked to your PLX account with a unique anonymous identifier. When Forex Firm X officially launches, we will provide a special link for you to create a new forex trading account with Forex Firm X. When you do, Forex Firm X will transfer the money in the managed account to your new forex trading account.
Target Launch Date: August 27, 2012
Jul 4th 2012 15:40   
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