Dropshipping to Profits

How to Determine if a Product Will Sell Online

by Denise Washington Entrepreneur
Denise Washington Senior   Entrepreneur
About 8 years ago, I purchased a Worldwide Brands Lifetime membership for $35. The membership included access to their Product Sourcing Tool. It allowed me to enter the name of an item to determine the names of wholesale dropshippers stocking the item. It also returned a success analysis, which included demand, competition, average retail and advertising info from Yahoo, eBay and Google. I never used it because I was into MLM at the time and had no idea how to open an online store. But it was a good price and I thought I may get back to it eventually.

After failed attempts to make a decent income in MLM, I looked for other ways to make money online. I tried Affiliate Marketing, which is much different than Network or Multi-Level Marketing, in that there is NEVER a fee or purchase requirement for Affiliate Marketing. I joined several Affiliate Marketing Sites, like Commission Junction, Pepperjam, Linkshare and Markethelp. I made a few dollars, but not enough to write home about.

It wasn't until I came across a site last year explaining how to open my own online retail store using wholesale dropshippers, that the light bulb finally grew so bright it almost exploded! I immediately went to the Worldwide Brands website and asked for my user ID and password. They sent it to me. (You know, some Lifetime memberships are only valid if you are an active member). Not Worldwide Brands. They kept my membership information. I was ecstatic!!
Apparently, this product sells extremely well and does a great job because now it costs $299.

Jumping ahead, I now have my own online retail store, since July 2012 and doing quite well. But don't think just because you build a site people will flock to it and buy your product. It does take work on your part. But there is no downline or recruiting you have to worry about. Instead, you advertise, advertise and advertise some more to get your product in front of the buying eyes you want.

Guess I went into a totally different direction. But I said all that to say this, you need to know if the product you choose will sell online. I use 2 products to check, The Product Sourcing Tool from Worldwide Brands and just recently, SaleHoo.com. ($67 for a yearly membership).

Today, I wanted to see which product would be a good seller. SaleHoo recommended Pedometers. For pedometers, SaleHoo's analysis indicated a 61.5% sell through rate. This tells me the percentage of listings that are uploaded to eBay that sell. So in this instance, over 61% of all pedometers listed on eBay.com last month sold.

To research further, I checked The Product Sourcing Tool from Worldwide Brands. The analysis returned a whopping 97% success rate for selling a pedometer online!!

I found several sites that will dropship pedometers, such as Olympia Sports at http://olympiasports.com and ATAFA at http://atafa.com.

So there you have it.

After going through all the information on both Worldwide Brands And SaleHoo, I highly recommend both. SaleHoo does offer you an online ecommerce hosted site starting at $27 per month. I think the best deal is the $47 a month plan because your SaleHoo Wholesale Directory membership is included in the price.

So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
May 28th 2012 21:50

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Now that post is WAY cool, may I suggest you do a RevPage too, Denise? :)
May 29th 2012 02:43   
Denise Washington Senior   Entrepreneur
Thank you for the suggestion, Philippe. I'll start working on it.
May 29th 2012 03:11   
Denise Washington Senior   Entrepreneur
Oops, Correction... store opened July 2011, not 2012.
May 29th 2012 03:14   
Wendy Rolle Freshman  Entrepeneur
Hi Denise so I can get an ecommerce store from salehoo?
May 30th 2012 14:22   
Denise Washington Senior   Entrepreneur
Hi Wendy,
Yes, you can get an ecommerce store from SaleHoo. For the $47 a month plan, your SaleHoo Directory membership is included, so I think that's a good deal.
May 30th 2012 14:31   
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