Alternative Health and Wellness

The Timing is Perfect!

by Taisa Brosilovsky
Taisa Brosilovsky Advanced  
A Healthy Chocolate called "Xocai" is rapidly becoming a household buzzword because of what it does.

USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture) has developed a way of measuring the content of antioxidants of fruits and vegetables.
O - Oxygen
R - Radical
A - Absorbency
C - Capacity
Independent testing of the ORAC level in the product has completely taken the laboratories by surprise as the lowest level of orac in the company's product line is 10 x's higher than major competitors who are selling Billions of dollars of product annually.

News of this Healthy New Chocolate is also popping-up all over the media! For example:
Y Larry King is already using and taking about this product…
Y Oprah Winfrey’s cardiologist is reviewing the research….
Y And, this Chocolate has already been featured on dozens of different radio and TV news programs…

The timing is perfect for Rich, Delicious, Pure Healthy Belgium Chocolate.

Taisa Brosilovsky
Jun 17th 2007 23:46

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Taisa, the concept of healthy chocolate is absolutely delightful!

This is probably answered on your website, but can you tell us how this product is shipped and from where? I am in Canada and I wonder if I ordered a bar if it would arrive in a liquid form (ie. melted). LOL


Jun 21st 2007 14:06   
Taisa Brosilovsky Advanced   
Hi Karen!
Thank you for asking about this fabulous product or just curios.
I just have found your request about the shipping. The company recently have opened the warehouse in Toronto so we are Canadians; don’t have any problem with shipping.

The company have worked in chocolate industry more then 20 years and only 2 years ago they have found the way to create a new technology for a producing a healthy chocolate. It is a chocolate revolution it’s why people are so sceptical and its will take time to educate people and instead eating quantity of products they have to concern about the quality.
Thank you and regards,

Jun 29th 2007 17:24   
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