Woman In Leadership

The Opposition We Face

by Lynn Fowler Helping Others to Succeed
Lynn Fowler Innovator Helping Others to Succeed
I have been in Christian ministry for 37 years. It is an area in which, as a woman in leadership, you face all kinds of challenges and opposition - more in the early years, but still some even today.

Interestingly, whilst I have certainly had some opposition from men (including a few pastors who have preached against me from their pulpits) by far the greatest opposition has come from other women. My theory is that, when some women see another woman in a leadership position, they become fearful that, if they support her, they might be expected to do the same, and therefore they try to pull her down.

I'd be interested to hear the experiences of others, and whether my theory seems to play out in your life.
Apr 12th 2012 06:11

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Stacie Walker Senior   Inspiring & Educating You

Thank you for starting this discussion. I agree with your theory about some women seeing another woman in a leadership position as a threat.

It all begins with mindset. If a person is insecure with learning from leaders of the same gender, then they will have a difficult time progressing with their personal development.
Apr 13th 2012 11:48   
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