Marketing on the Internet

The importance of social bookmarking to get targeted traffic

by Joanne Ott
Joanne Ott Advanced  
Social bookmarking is one of the hottest trends on the internet right now. Millions of surfers are using these sites to collect information and not necessarily search engines. Furthermore this trend is expected to continue to rapidly grow in the months and years ahead.

For that reason, if you are marketing anything on the internet, you should be taking advantage of this.

What is social bookmarking?

Social bookmarking is when an individual saves lists of various internet resources they find helpful or particularly enjoy. People who have similar interests can view them as well. This can be specialized to a certain subject or format, such as videos or books.

Most people have a list of favorite web sites they store in their browser for easy and quick access. These are your best sites for whatever criteria you were searching for when you found it. Social bookmarking gives you the opportunity to present these sites to others and to categorize them. For example if you save cute baby pictures others who are looking for the same can see what people like you have saved on that subject.

People go online to find information that might not be readily available elsewhere. Some of these people are searching for a home based business opportunity.

There are dozens of social bookmarking sites already, with more sure to follow. It's free and you can join as many as you like.

Create interesting content and use relevant key words. The more popular your key words the more traffic you will receive, all at no cost! The traffic you get will be very targeted and prequalified, and the visitors you receive will happen very fast. Once your site is up people can access it immediately. Some of the sites they even feature new additions on the front page, allowing you to get noticed immediately. Contrast this with search engines which can possibly take months to have a noticeable effect.

In conclusion, it only makes sense to use social bookmarking as part of your online marketing. It's the wave of the future, and it's definitely to your advantage to be using it now.

The sooner you start using it the sooner you can benefit from increased, targeted traffic to whatever it is you are marketing.

Jun 17th 2007 15:25

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Pam Brossman Advanced   
This is all new to me Joanne but sounds like a great idea. I only learnt about squidoo pages last week and I have already created 3 with the hope of doing more. Can you tell me where I can find some of these social bookmarking websites so I can join some and increase my traffic to my business opportunities.

Jun 17th 2007 18:54   
Joanne Ott Advanced   
Yes, lists many of the top sites.

A suggestion I can make for getting your Squidoo lens indexed and ranked high quickly is the Squidoo Blueprint.

I just started using it a couple of days ago and already very impressed with the results! The book costs $9.97, which is great value for what is in there, and the methods he explains are free. I really recommend it.

By the way, I hope others who have found effective methods to advertise will post here. I think I need to change my introductory page a bit!

Jun 17th 2007 22:34   
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