Our businessman in boots Eniva Vibe 2.0 Blog

My First Experience as an Eniva Vibe distributor

by Allen Daniels
Allen Daniels Senior  
I always ask my people for their own testimonials and decided that I should repost one of mine here.
My first experience as an Eniva distributor was purely as a customer. While I intended to build a business that focused on energy and health, I felt obligated to try the Vibe product for a while before I went looking for my team.

My own personal experience was phenomenal. I was achieving a healthy weight loss and had more energy than I had in years. I just had to share this product.

I went to visit my best buddy in the world and decided that if it produced positive energy and healthy results for him it would work for just about anybody.

Let me tell you about Brent.

For starters, he is my best friend for life. We are truly brothers form another mother. If you have ever been fortunate enough to have a friend like this you have been blessed.

I knew Brent would be a tough cookie to crack because his family had some very bad experiences with health supplements. His father and grandmother were both on a high dosage regiment some years back. I do not know what it was. I do know that it was a very expensive program that promised the world.

The bottom line is that, that program killed both his father and grandmother within a few months of each other so you can imagine that Brent would not be interested in taking a nutritional supplement of any kind.

While visiting him he ask me what I was doing as he knew I was doing some network marketing. I got exactly thirty seconds to give him three samples and a flyer before he had heard enough. He threw the samples in the front seat of his pick up and we continued out visit but no more would be said about vitamins or anything of the sort.

About one and a half weeks later, Brent called me with a since of urgency in his voice. I though he had a problem. Come to find out he did!

He said; hey Allen do you remember that Vibe stuff you left with me? He was talking so fast I did not have the opportunity to answer any of his questions so I just listened.

Brent said;

I was at the parts store and saw those samples you left for me in the seat of my pick up and decided that if they hadn’t hurt you, one or two wouldn’t kill me so I tried one while waiting for my parts.

You won’t believe this but by the time I got back to the shop, I felt great. I remembered you saying that it was 100% natural with no additives. It was hard to believe, I felt like you had slipped me a micky. I couldn’t believe how well I felt and how much energy I had for the rest of the day.

Of course I had to try it again the next day and you are not going to believe what happened. Now Allen, I swear to God, this is true. I’ve told my coworkers and they can’t believe it. You know I have problems with my eyes and don’t see well. By the end of the second day I could see better, no really, I swear I could see better. I could read things that were blurry before.

At the end of the third day I was so excited that I had to go home and tell Glenda. (his wife) She could not believe that I was excited about a nutritional supplement and she got excited. She said great, I want to try some. I told her I had used all the samples you left and I did not have anymore.

Now you see my problem Allen. How do I get my own Vibe…

That is a shortened version of my story of signing my first referral for my Eniva Vibe business.

I invite all of you who are interested in learning how to build a business that creates physical energy as well as a healthy weight loss to go to http://duplicatesuccess.com/allen for more information.

Allen Daniels
Independent Eniva member - Manager
Businessman in boots
Jun 17th 2007 09:45

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