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Be human, donate your extra money for needy people, animals, plants, earth!

by Vegan Chauhan Consultant,Speaker,Author,Poet...
Vegan Chauhan Advanced   Consultant,Speaker,Author,P...
Do you love life? How you feel when you giving a new life to a beautiful and a necessary creature? We believe everyone saved at least one of live of any creature of the nature. Also we know you love that feeling which you were got on the saving of that life. Well we are telling about speechless homeless and shamefully treated sweet animals and human kids. We all know that we are family, the whole world is our family, we love this world, and even it’s every bit of particles. We have a very sensitive mind so we never tolerate any of bad happenings with innocent creatures.

We are working privately from the past 17 years. We never needed even a bit of any person’s help in our whole life. We spent all of our earnings to save them. We tried hard to earn more for saving them but we frustrated because it’s need a huge and end less money supply which We will never get from our own bases. We never spread our hand for our whole life but for them we are spreading our hands to help them from front of you.

On the writing time this post, we have found some tears in our eyes, because of our dream is so big then our limits, currently we are feeling weak for their death front of us and we have nothing to stop that cruelty, In India, government has no any law to control the murder and torture of these creatures (As kids, plants and animals) We know it’s a shameful act to doing nothing to save them because they are doing the business of these creatures which will might never treat as a ‘property’ of anyone. When we called the police they did not act as our favor, they took bribe and tried to push us on lockup as we are stealing their merchant’s (the killers) raw material (for leather, dairy, poultry, meat etc.). So we are so embarrassed and we were decided to take back our hands from these operations.

When we were totally frustrated, we got a call from our indian friend. He wanting to save street animals from traffic related deaths. He wants our help to save them. We asked him that we are ready to do that but how can we will do? He told us that he is being start to organize a NGO for treating those animals. He offered us to give some of our IDs to him, so that he will give a required name for his national NGO. We asked him about what is the procedure of it? He told us a bare nude truth about registering process of NGOs registeration. We felt ashamed to listen that the registered NGOs are totally fake. They gave high amounts of bribe to registering officer, collecting dummy person’s IDs and start their free earning business to collect the spent bribe. They opened their charity A/C in a reputed Bank by name of the NGO and start receiving money which is using for their own help not for the needy creatures. Today most of all NGOs are becoming a bad name of humanism.

Well now we have a motto to give patch up and taking for a payback of the part of the needy people’s funds from these registered fake NGOs and starting again our efforts to run our sacred operation again. Well we did not given any type of bribe to register our NGO. We think we are enough to do all good works without need of government. Think if we have need to help of government then how we can say that we are making a “NGO” (NON GOVERNMENT ORGANAIZATIONS). It is such a stupidity, nothing else.

We think it’s enough to say that if we have more fund to save them without any problem then we can run our all humanitarian operations successfully. So what are you thinking? If you have a heart and a brain and if you are a human (not robot) then raise all of your extra money which can be save more lives which needs it more then you!

We raise all our properties for this operation and never waste this fund to do unnecessary spending as other NGOs are doing.

Donate for your earth, donate for your family, donate for your neighborhood, donate for this great nature, and most of all this is all for you! Always remember when you help someone which is innocent, then you will always get many times more than you given. In the Business terms it’s called “The Business of Giving!” So why some of you are thinking that donation is the wastage of money?

It’s a business of relations with ’Nature and People’ which will be always pray for you when they get benefits from you! (as home, food, medical help, education, loan, jobs, counsellor ship etc.)

Also you will get more than from your own Work/Job after donate. Try it!

People which are big donors of the world says that they got 10 times more than which they were donated. We have no more to say…

It’s your own independent decision! Nature bless you!

For donation click my website! :)
Mar 15th 2012 17:41

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