Prescriptions Discount Group

Recognizing Ken Smith (Miami Water Guy)

by Roger+Pamela Foulks Mktg, PR, Social Media Consultants
Roger+Pamela Foulks Senior   Mktg, PR, Social Media...
We are pleased to recognize Ken Smith, who is hitting the streets of Miami with 10,000 InCareRX cards, to help the people who need help in SE Florida!
Mar 14th 2012 13:06

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Ken Professional    ***
yes i been passing them out. People really study the card when you hand it to them. I asked one lady if i could leave some cards at her business she was like no then she said let me see the card she saw what it was about and said these are good i will help you pass some out. :)
Mar 15th 2012 10:57   
Roger+Pamela Foulks Senior   Mktg, PR, Social Media Consultants
Ken, yes, the vast majority of the time, no matter where we are, we get the same response. Our only negative has been at CVS, because (can you believe this?), they are trying to SELL a card.
Mar 16th 2012 15:14   
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