Alternative Health and Wellness

Do You Drink Water?

by Patricia
Patricia Advanced  
I was asked to tell a little more about Berry H20
what it is a packet filled with collidal minerals and has a slight berry taste
you add to bottle water or a glass of water.. let it sit between 5 to 15 minutes and then drink it. The package has 30 sachets
I usually drink a glass and add water to it all day long
I have 2 older dogs and after I have about 2 used sachets.. I add it to their food for them to have some health benefits as well
you can add used sachets to plants as well. The most noticeable effect on me is after the second day I noticed more mind seemed clearer or more alert and a general sense of more well being and energy
I have been drinking this for about 3 weeks as another benefit I do not seem to need 8 hours of sleep
I sometimes go to bed around 12:30 or 1:30 at night and get up at 6am
Not a sluggish and sometimes no need for a nap as before even with 8 hours i would want a nap. I have EBV and this has helped me alot. I cannot say enough good things about it.
The Best thing about this company is that it is a passive income maker.
What that means is that if you join and stay active ( autoship)
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I am trying to build a team to help everyone make more money and faster
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My favorite saying is this..
Do You Drink Water?
If Yes then you need to watch this video..It is amazing
If you would like to be on my team

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Jun 16th 2007 00:32

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Patricia, thank you for sharing your testimonial about your product!

You indicate here that you mix the used sachets in your dog's food? Do you mean that you mix the contents of the sachet into the food? Was this your own idea or is it recommended by your company? What an interesting idea!


Jun 23rd 2007 09:33   
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