The Law of Attraction Group

Continuously Reinvent Your Life -- Pursue Only That Which is MOST Important...

by Robert J. Marketer, Empowerment Practitioner
Robert J. Magnate I   Marketer, Empowerment...
Here is another good discussion started I picked up from Let me know what you think about it. :-)

Be A Seer, A Sayer, A Doer.

If you want to change anything about your life, start first with consciously committing to what you want most. Then, create a vision of exactly what your life will look like once you get it.

You may know what you don't want in your life. Now make a conscious choice of all that you do.

Answer Honestly:

If you don't value it, how can you become it? _________________________________

When today will you schedule time to envision the week you want to have? _________________________________

you afraid to commit to what you value most? Why? _________________________________
Feb 29th 2012 07:45

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Maureen Wills Advanced  Eternal Surfer
Love it. I'll have to walk the walk!
Mar 2nd 2012 10:23   
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