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any one want to invest or deposit money?

by Abdul Rehman Online Advertisor
Abdul Rehman Professional   Online Advertisor
any one want to invest or deposit money?
follow the link and deposit there and get profit in 13 days.
Feb 27th 2012 11:49

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Ross Will help you Senior   Helping People Make Money
I have had a look but does not interest me at tho moment I have a fair few business alike it but current do not have funds available to me as of now. I am however looking for people to come join my group i am in to make money online and also get your business and any business on googles search engine and any other search engine out there with been on first page results. Sound like something of interest to you then feel free to contact me and become part of the group.
Feb 27th 2012 14:15   
Abdul Rehman Professional   Online Advertisor
In my site, you need noting to do just invest and after a time you will defiantly get benefit.
i think you joined my link but not try to invest there.
just invest there a little and see the result.
Mar 3rd 2012 11:54   
Ross Will help you Senior   Helping People Make Money
To get ROI out would be 100 days at there % rate too little ad too long for new business many run before that maybe if they are around after 100 days i might look into it
Mar 3rd 2012 14:04   
Abdul Rehman Professional   Online Advertisor
its just 13 days.
not 100.
Mar 3rd 2012 14:19   
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