How To Smile

Happiness - How To Smile

by Marie Gervacio Brilliant Body Success Coach
Marie Gervacio Senior   Brilliant Body Success Coach
Do you remember the things that brought a smile to your face when you were a child? A big empty box, a silly face, a snowflake on your nose... Have you forgotten how to smile? It really does involve more than stretching a couple facial muscles.

As the weight of responsibilities begins to press down on us it seems to cause a gravitational force on the smile turning it into a frown. Our demeanor becomes more serious and smiling becomes less likely or even forced. Society tells us as adults we must act a certain way, to be responsible and to take things seriously. This is nothing to smile about!

You may think this this is a bit extreme but surely many people lose sight of a joyful life when they feel they must be serious. Are you one of them? Are you feeling stressed or have stress related problems?

[There must be something that still can make you smile no matter how deep into seriousness and stress you have sunk. You still should have memories of those things that made you smile in the past. Dig deep, find them and smile.

When we smile a chemical reaction occurs within us that lifts the spirits, kills pain and works to improve our health. Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, seratonin and natural pain killers so starting to smile more certainly won't hurt. It even lowers blood pressure which you can test for yourself by sitting for a minute, taking your blood pressure, smiling for a minute then testing yourself again. Cool, huh!

When we smile others around us are affected too! People are drawn to smiles and repelled by frowns. Smiles are infectious so if you want to help someone who needs to feel better a genuine smile will truly help. Smile alot and you will begin to draw more people to you.

Are you ready to start practicing your smile again? Smile even if you don't feel like smiling, amazingly you can actually trick yourself into feeling better this way. Some people say "fake it until you make it". In this case it will work, the more you put smiling into practice the easier it will become and the easier it will come naturally.

Remembering your "favorite things", special people, and pleasant memories can bring an instant smile to your face. Take time to "live in the moment" and notice things around you that are pleasant. The flower bud opening that you never noticed before, the breeze through the leaves, someone else's smile... Happiness comes in small moments that need to be captured and enjoyed. Grab them when you can and... smile.

Marie Gervacio is a Renaissance woman. Webmistress, artist, writer, entrepreneur and success coach. Her first site has been online since 2003. Find more articles and resources at
Jun 14th 2007 18:49

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