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Steve how long as that site been online. Do you have any proof of people making any money from there?

by Jephita Otuke Internet Markerting
Jephita Otuke Committed   Internet Markerting
Steve how long as that site been online. Do you have any proof of people making any money from there?
Feb 2nd 2012 00:21

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Steve OHehir Senior   Online Marketer
hi Jephita, GRU has been around 3-4 years,
my proof of earning money is me, i have been in gru only 3 weeks and have 3 paid members,2 are from here at apsense, to fully understand i suggest viewng the compensation plan, i only need one more member then i help those 4 build there business,if i can help you please let me know.
Feb 2nd 2012 00:57   
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