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Is it really only "losers" who buy leads?

by Joanne Ott
Joanne Ott Advanced  
Those of you who are familiar with mangnetic sponsoring perhaps saw advertisements with a much used signature line that said "only losers buy leads."

But is it really true? Are those people "losers"?

In my opinion...... absolutely not!

Now buying leads is NOT necessary to build a business, and I will explain why in a minute but first......

Who are the real "losers"?

They are the folks that sit in front of the TV night after night, or maybe spend money each week buying lottery tickets so they can be filthy rich overnight with no work on their part....... or the ones who say wealthy people are "evil"...... well I think you get the point.

I was one of those people who used to spend evening after evening (this was when I still was working) calling leads. I sure didn't enjoy it but it was better than the alternative........ prospecting the server at Olive Garden, or someone standing in line behind me in the grocery store..... that kind of thing.

And I actually did sign some up. But when I considered the sign up ratio to the number of dials and the hours involved, I knew there had to be a better way.

I actually had a few people CALL ME in response to ads I had done..... and each one I was able to close easily. This first happened awhile ago and I remember thinking if I could just figure out how to generate my own leads like that all the time the frustrations of calling cold leads would be a thing of the past. It's definitely much more productive when people come to you FIRST, rather than the other way around. This could mean them calling you, or at least giving their contact information so you can get back to them.

Magnetic sponsoring is a great book but unless I missed something it really didn't explain the HOW of attracting the right people.

Most network marketers who are struggling and refusing to quit and doing things they normally would not do (like making a list of 200 names of everyone they ever said hello to) because they want a better way of life have the WHY...... they just need the HOW!

Anyone calling leads, using the three foot rule, or being told they just aren't "motivated enough" are already WINNERS in my opinion, they just need to be steered in the right direction and then the success they so richly deserve will follow.

So folks if you are still paying for leads do you credit card a favor and STOP.

Learn how to BUILD a list, not MAKE a list. Learn how to attract qualified people to you, rather than you chasing after tire kickers night after night calling total strangers that cost YOU money to call in the first place.

That is the secret to network marketing success.

Jun 14th 2007 11:10

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