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EARN 8K over and OVER AGAIN WITH Diamond Cash Club FastLANE team every WEEK!!!!!

by mrnicecookie
mrnicecookie Junior
Greetings to all enthusiastic entrepreneurs, here's a reality to let everyone cycle 8K within a week or less!! not once not twice but OVER AND OVER AGAIN with this wonderful compensation plan program!!

1) Each person must be willing to fork out the purchase of 3 DCC accounts.

2)For eg. A joins and the other 2 accounts A1 and A2 goes under A. With this illustration, 3 slots in the matrix are taken up just by A and A also qualifies for cycling sapphire and diamond. Second will be B and so on so forth.

3)Cycle repeats itself until 30 members are in this plan, and A will cycle diamond, and thereafter B will be next and so on so forth.

4)for members who cycle diamond, the condition to be fair to others below is to buy another 3 accounts and repeat the process under the lowest member in the team to be fair and therefore this enables our team to be cycling extremely fast within days.

For go getters who are interested, please email me or PM me. if i have 15 people, i will go ahead with the plan and i will give positions of confirmations received and place members in matrix in accordance to first come first basis.

Conditions for starting of Mass cycling of DIAMOND MATRIX.
- starting investment is 660 USD.
- returns of 8200usd within days thru cycling of diamond.
- members who have CYCLED DIAMOND, its COMPULSORY TO fork out 660 USD or PURCHASE 3 accounts behind LATEST MEMBER in our team who joins, so we MOVE FAST and everyone GETS to cycle diamond in a few days, and no one GETS left BEHIND.
- total profit earned minus investment is 6680USD in a WEEK! is that INCREDIBLE? As more members join our team, the cycling speed will be 2 or 3 times a week or maybe more!!

Email me to join my fastlane team now!! many of our fastlane members are on cycling sapphire and on diamond matrix !!! on the receipt of emails, we will place members accordingly to be fair. please email me for the next member in line sign up link!

3 members have signed up for the fastlane team!! and 2 have cycled sapphire group!! (have a look at my team referal link : ) hope to see u all at the TOP!
Jun 14th 2007 09:58

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