Home Based Blog - From the Desk of CEO Kevin Sipe

by Janet R.
Janet R. Senior  
We’re Among The Elite
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just wanted you to know that SiteWizardSEO is now ranked among the top 1% of all websites on the Internet according to the latest rankings by Alexa, one of the industry standards. Congratulations to all of you who are using SWSEO to produce your great looking websites. Look for even bigger things in the future!

- Kevin

P.S. Remember Home Based Times training tonight. Check out
Jun 14th 2007 02:34

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Janet R. Senior   
Thursday, June 14, 2007

By this time next week most of you standard and LC2 members of SiteWizardSEO will have received your monthly residual and commission checks. I look forward to this time of the month because it gives us a chance to prove we are what we say we are and deliver what’s rightfully coming to you. It really is great to see all of you getting paid for the work you’re doing to make SiteWizardSEO grow into the company we knew it could be. If you’re still a free member I encourage you to upgrade now to standard membership to add to your income. Let others know about SiteWizardSEO and watch your July check grow even more.


Jun 14th 2007 02:35   
Janet R. Senior   
Weekends Are For Family
Friday, June 15, 2007

There are many stories of workaholics who lost touch with what’s most important: their families. Then the millions they earned didn’t have much value. So even though we work hard, it’s Friday evening and time to kick back and put things into perspective. Do you have plans for the weekend? Take some time with your family. The family dinner is rapidly losing ground to a fast food moment in front of the TV. Don’t give that precious time up with your family. Every day, even if it’s only an hour, be with your family at the dinner table and go thru what went on during the day. I find that if you structure your day, you will have more successes in life and in business. Think about this, if your family never communicates to each other, then how could you possibly acheive success with building any business.? All of us can read a person by the tone of their voice and how they communicate back to each of us. It all starts at home. If you communicate well with family and with business associates, then reaching your goals will be easy. Its really simple to be succesful if you are honest, confident, and you are DRIVEN to put the hours in.

Create success at home and success in business comes naturally!


Jun 18th 2007 05:57   
Janet R. Senior   
Back to Business
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I hope everyone had a great Father’s Day and found time to be with, or at least remember the dads in your life in some special way. But we get back to business this week and I remind you of Carl Haavaldsen’s Home Based Times training Tuesday evening. Check for full details and times.

I am impressed by so many of you who are putting up your websites and working right on through the summer months. Granted, a lot of people may be taking vacations, but summer is a good time to take a good hard look at your online business and make plans for next fall, winter and into 2008. And recruiting others to your downlines should among those thoughts too. There are always people who want to change and improve their lives, even in the summer months, and with our compensation plan and the best software program of its kind on the net, shouldn’t they be in your downline? Most of you who I’ve talked with on the training calls are very enthusastic about SiteWizardSEO and Home Based Times. Excitement is contagious, as they say. When we really believe in something we want to tell the world about it. So take a moment or two from building your own website to tell others about SiteWizardSEO and HBT. Send them to this link: That moment could prove very profitable for you!

- Kevin

P.S. We’re working on a powerful new way to let you tell the world about your SiteWizard SEO website. Stay tuned!

Jun 19th 2007 18:54   
Janet R. Senior   
In Case You Missed The Webcast
Friday, June 22, 2007

I know many of you were on the webcast last night, but just in case you may have missed it, here is the link to hear the replay of the event Thursday night: [url=]Tele Seminar[/url] It runs about 30 minutes. Enjoy!

- Kevin

Jun 22nd 2007 10:48   
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