Blogging Experts

Blogging is the life line of the iNternet Marketing Business model to get crediblilty ,traffic,and susutainablity for brabdind self,products,services...

by Vps Malhotra Free Lancer
Vps Malhotra Magnate II   Free Lancer
Blogging is the life line of the iNternet Marketing Business model to get crediblilty ,traffic,and susutainablity for brabdind self,products,services or a business name! How effectivee are the blogging softwares for Ses is not established . Bloger is the best platform for starting a FREE blog ! Wordpress and other platforms are also useful How to blog with an unique content is a problem! It can be learnt like other skills with persistence and hard work there are many how to manuals or ebooks available free on the internet which could be searched by simple google search for blogging tools! Blogging like internet is an intellectual approach to earnign money online thorugh what you want to convgey or say to the audience that is the person who reads or subscribes to the blog Squidoo is one such FREE platform for putting up ones blog Even one could blog with a unique domain name and paid hosting or free hosting The best tio that could be given for blogging is to be one self say what you want to say in a mennr you want to say There are more things in life othera than MONEY Start writing a blog on the Blogger and enjoy promoting it It is your website monetise it and earn money go to forums and promote it you shallbe getting traffic and money too if you are promotig product or service Blog is the cheapest way toget traffic Blog with passion!
Dec 28th 2011 03:02

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Paula van Dun Advanced   Social Marketing works.
I agree. Blogger is a great way to start however personally i prefer Wordpress because it has more possibilities and plug ins. It took me a while to figure out the most important basics though. I also did my first blog with blogger which recently has improved a lot.
Dec 28th 2011 03:16   
Stephen A. B. Magnate I   AYS Multi Services
Wordpress is Great and More professional in look and with Plugings....But I recommend custom domain on Blogger for beginners, marketers and promoters , it has the Gadget advantage, easy to use and of course the google traffic.....Like mine...Best wishes....:)
Dec 28th 2011 04:35   
Vijaya Lakshmi Committed   Writer, Health Consultant
For serious money makers blog is a must to show their views of money making. I feel more comfortable with blogger platform.
Feb 3rd 2012 06:39   
Sriram Raj Committed   Professional Blogger
Malhotra sir, now a days Blogging has become one of the best business sources online. If you see a recent survey, many online users read reviews from professional blogs before buying any tech goods. Not only tech goods, think about the movie reviews. If a movie review is bad on first day, it loses majority of the audience. Such is state of blogging, powerful and revenue growth
Feb 25th 2012 14:53   
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