Just Joined APSense

Power your APSense Experience!!

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
Power Your APSense Experience!

The very first thing you need to do now that you are an exceptional member of the APSense community! is to download the APSense Express. APSense Express is a downloadable tool that alerts you to your mail, replies to your blogs and groups. It is indespensible! (smile)

By regularly logging into APSense Express you will earn 4 credits per hour towards your Ad Network. That may seem like a pittance but not when you consider that every time you access APSense using your APSense Express that is adding extra credits also! (quick: someone correct me if I'm wrong about that!)

Nothing compares to all the credits you'll earn each and every time you create a forum, someone visits your profile, you write a comment, add a subject to someone elses group, and first and foremost... when you invite and a new member joins you get 100 credits to power your APSense Experience!!

Make sure you learn how to enter a clickable link using
the UBBcode. It is really quite simple to do.
Simply enclose any url such as http://APSense.com with
[ url] and [/url]

It would then look like this [ url]http://APSense.com[url]
only when you type the [url ] all together
and it will post a live link!


The third key to powering your APSense Experience is to visit groups and to promote your own forums! Don't be shy to leave a live link whenever possible that directs the viewer to one of your forums! (smile)


e-Commerce webstore 4 you and yours!

Hello! New to APSense? Join... Introduce yourself here!!! and tell us what you do !! www.apsense.com/group/100767

Write about your marketing! For Newbies to oldpros 8 to 80+

Take a break !! Post a good Joke !! Share a Laugh !! Smile for awhile !!
Jun 13th 2007 20:21

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Beth ,
Great information!!!

This is a great way to market.
I can't believe I have people that I invited to join have never been
back to become involved with this great place called APSense.

It is kind of like that saying .
You can lead a horse to water.

You know the one.

Skype ID Abeque
Jun 26th 2007 08:18   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Cindy !!

Well, your inited/enrollees did you a favor then! I never understand why join and then not use something... but... ahhh.. I'm guilty of that also with other programs! and they're perfectly good programs.

with apsense I joined early and was eligible for the upgraded membership. So maybe there's a difference when you join and aren't able to upgrade?

that could be it! But for this year... WOW !!! and then, I'll see about next year!

have a great TODAY and thanks for all your support !!

Jun 26th 2007 08:39   
Curtis Dunn Advanced   
I agree with you Beth for the most part. However, we should once again point out that UBB codes and HTML is not allowed in comments. In order to get to post the links to your forums, you must start your own thread. When doing this, we should all make sure to stay within the topic of the group we are posting to, and make relevant comments before including our links in our signature file. In my opinion it is best to include only 1 or at the most 2 links in the signature and try to pick your forums which will be most relevant to the group members.
Jul 11th 2007 00:05   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Wow Beth, I am totally impressed! Look at you go! I have to admit, I'm still a bit bewildered by the points, especially the Spotlight scores. Mine seem to fluctuate quite a bit and today I see those in the spotlight have scores in the 4 digits - last week it was only 2 digits.

How the points are accumulated don't really matter much to me, although I am curious... LOL. Points or no points, this is a fantastic place to network with like minded people.

What I LOVE LOVE LOVE is the ABC - what an amazing marketing tool APSense has just kindly haned to us!

Jul 11th 2007 17:12   
Donald D. Advanced   Wood-N-Gems
Thanks Beth,

I am new to Apsense and have been busy soaking up all the information I can. I am just starting to build my network and have met many like people. This information is of much help, I am glad I joined this community.

Donald B. Dousharm
Feb 1st 2008 20:05   
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