Everything Clickbank-Affilliates and Publishers


by Cathy C
Cathy C Innovator  
I wanted to welcome everyone that signs up.
Please feel free to introduce yourselfs when you sign up to the group.
Let us know if you are a newbie or an ol pro at this.
Myself I still consider myself a newbie after 5 years online there is soo much to learn everyday,the net is constently changing!
I do make money online,but not up to the 6 figures yet!
So lets learn today and see what is working!!
Jun 13th 2007 10:42

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Edna Moore Advanced   
Hi cathy, I am very NEW to clickbank.
so I need all the help I can get:)
my name is sissie and I have been on the internet for over 6 years But have just started realizing that I can earn money here!! about 6 monthes ago. I am still in the double figure income so far LOL!! But will be sticking to it cause this is now the only way I can help my hubby out with the bills!
so any help you can offer I am all ears!

look forward to getting to know you,
Jul 1st 2007 12:00   
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