The Law of Attraction Group

The success of your organization is in direct proportion to the amount you help them. .... I just got that as a daily message in my in-box. Thought it...

by Cindy Bolley HHCTB?
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
The success of your organization is in direct proportion to the amount you help them. .... I just got that as a daily message in my in-box. Thought it was so true!
Nov 18th 2011 08:22

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Rieke F. Senior   Consultant
Yes, the amount of your personal help and motivation is important, but it depends also on the willingness of your lead to become successful and his ABILITY to be guided through the process of setting up his own business. :) --- Make it a wonderful day.
Nov 23rd 2011 02:15   
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