Woman In Leadership

Being a mom is no picnic. Add running a business to that, and things can get complicated and out of hand in no time. Here are five things you nee...

by Stacie Walker Inspiring & Educating You
Stacie Walker Senior   Inspiring & Educating You
Being a mom is no picnic. Add running a business to that, and things can get complicated and out of hand in no time.

Here are five things you need to make running a business and a family a little easier:
Nov 9th 2011 22:06

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Ken Miami-Water.com Professional    ***
Hi Stacie im a new daddy and mommy has a tough job for sure though i help her ayway i can also i thought i would share something i noticed

i realize allot of ap sense members are not linking url in the signature i think this would increase your bottom line no matter what you are promoting so take a minute to look at your profile and see if your links are clickable so everybody can see your idea in discussions !!

For example this is how i linked my sig

Get $ receiving text msg on cell 100% FREE
Tell friends 4 more $ [url]http://goo.gl/Hbefy[/url]

Use [url] your url [/url] hope that helps anyone who forgot
Dec 3rd 2011 16:13   
Stacie Walker Senior   Inspiring & Educating You
Thank you so much! You are the first to give me a heads up. You are awesome!
Dec 4th 2011 13:21   
Ken Miami-Water.com Professional    ***
Thank you Stacie i like your outlook :)
Dec 4th 2011 17:44   
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