ebook producers work together

Starting out, I'll help if I can.

by Linda Corby Author
Linda Corby Innovator   Author
When I started out I didn't have any idea where I was going or for that matter how I was going to achieve my goals.

A lot has changed since then, now I know what I am doing, and the direction I am heading in.

The first thing you will have to do is to write your story. You can do this on a simple word program on your computer or you can buy a program to help you. I do both.

I have selected one of the programs (Nick Daws course) I have used/still use personally that could help you along the road. You’ll gain a lot of useful information from this program, plus an insight as to how the world of authors works. If you are serious about writing your book you will just take five to browse http://writequickly.com/?afl=15040

You have to start somewhere, and unless you start you will never know if you could have made it big time, what a shame that would be.

My advice is to take the plunge, there is no better feeling than holding your first published book in your hands or seeing it for sale in the bookshops, and the same thing applies to you first ebook when you see it selling on the net! You will get such a buzz when this happens to you, I know I did!!!

I also got a huge buzz when I saw the first person I helped to get their book out there. I was just soo proud of and for them!!!

Here is too getting a big buzz from helping you!! Good Luck, I know you can do it!!
Jun 12th 2007 16:54

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Cathy Freshman  
Great idea Linda...let's hope it catches on!
Jun 12th 2007 20:26   
Linda Corby Innovator   Author
Yes that would be nicwe the more people I can help the better!

Have you been and got your free copy of this yet? http://lindacorby.co.uk/what-works.htm

It is nice to find a marketing system that actually works,lol
Jun 14th 2007 03:02   
Angela Chen Shui Committed   
GREAT idea, Linda!

I have a series of ebooks planned, started one, then dropped it to get a project I need to develop first off the ground.

Blessings for starting this group!

Jun 19th 2007 11:09   
Malka Maxwell Innovator   
I wrote and published my first book last year. After several months of getting free ebooks and getting on a few internet marketing email lists, I was able to get my "hand" on some books through a giveaway.
After a year of information overload, I must admit that the hardest part about making books is that so many people view ebook publishing as a hobby as opposed to a business. I has taken me abot a year to re-read all of the various information that I obtained I was able to re-evaluate how I wanted to sell my books or in business terms "create a Marketing Plan". This group is a wonderful idea...i hope it catches on!
Dec 20th 2007 18:18   
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