Publishing Online


by Joseph
Joseph Innovator
UrbanRead, which has the tagline "News with Profits" is a newsfeed service that allows a publisher to setup a widget in his website to show news from other sites. Aside from the fresh information that updates a website, the publisher can earn from this service by adding his AdSense ID, which will be rotated through out the network depending on the number of impressions the publisher's site receives.
Jun 12th 2007 14:04

Sponsor Ads


James L. Professional  Advertiser
Thanks for the information!
Jun 12th 2007 16:41   
Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner

I am sure you info is valuable but I am not an expert in newsfeeds and widgets. Your stronger advertisement is:

>>Publishers can earn from UrbanRead by adding your AdSense ID.

People always want to know what is in it for me first.

Jun 13th 2007 17:11   
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