Publishing Online

I Wrote this Advertisement, Please Enjoy It !

by Daniel A-L Ryan
Daniel A-L Ryan Advanced  
Join OfferPort for Free Cash

Hello Profit by Publishing,

I wanted to take the time to share with you a rather new 'Get Paid To' opportunity I was just introduced to yesterday. I was approached by Tom, the administrator of "OfferPort" over on MySpace. OfferPort is totally free to join, and you can earn free cash; they have quite a few 'no cc required offers' also.

Tom seemed like a reasonable enough fellow, I went ahead and signed up; my account has already been credited for a couple of offers I completed yesterday. I let him know about ApSense as well.

Input the BonusCode: APSense

Join OfferPort for Free Cash

Thankyou for your time,
A Friend in Spirit

* Visit Me on Myspace !
Jun 12th 2007 02:43

Sponsor Ads


Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
If I was you review your advertisement. I would say very nicely done. I like the use of the banner at the top. Clean, short and to the point.

The only thing I would change is>>

Hello, as a member of Profit by Publishing I wanted to take the time to share with you.

I am a firm believer of talking to the one, never the group.



Jun 13th 2007 17:05   
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