Earn on facebook

What is it abt making money on facebook

by Lekan Banjo tech
Lekan Banjo Junior tech
what is it about making money on facebook well here is a link you can start with for example http://uvioo.com/p/?m=cardhawk once you are pro you can post video's
Sep 29th 2011 09:14

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Ernestine Emery Advanced   Internet Marketer
I joined uvioo and join pro had hard time posted the videos only made ..08 cents and was not impressed with the company.
Sep 30th 2011 00:46   
Ernestine Emery Advanced   Internet Marketer
I have been hearing a lot about facebook fan page. I really need to check that out. I just purchase an ebook about making money on facebook, unfortunately I have been to busy to read it lately. If you want comments from that let me know.
Sep 30th 2011 00:49   
Ernestine Emery Advanced   Internet Marketer
I really would like to know more ways about making money on facebook. any more ideas anyone?
Oct 1st 2011 13:48   
ketan p. Senior   SE Marketer & Internet professional
its very interesting, please try to give a more information about it.thanks
Oct 3rd 2011 01:06   
Ernestine Emery Advanced   Internet Marketer
I still have not read the ebook about facebook, but I will - it has been a crazy three weeks at work plus dog sitting for my niece. Hopefully she will get home tomorrow. I will get out some info after I read the ebook.
Thanks and later
Oct 14th 2011 16:04   
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