The Law of Attraction Group

Here is a motivational video which I think is worth seeing multiple times. Let me know what you think.

by Robert J. Marketer, Empowerment Practitioner
Robert J. Magnate I   Marketer, Empowerment...
Here is a motivational video which I think is worth seeing multiple times. Let me know what you think.
Sep 28th 2011 09:16

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QueenHajar Akanqi Professional   Entrepreneurship
Robert it shows that their is no limited to our self. If we only view our self as a physical body...We are a spirit using this physical body, we are truly limitless beings!
Sep 28th 2011 15:32   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Your right Robert it is one of the better... I have seen it several times. And of course I always get chocked up. EVERY TIME! He is really a wonderful motivator. I just wish people who have so much would appreciate it more. This really is a great reality check! Thanks for posting it here. Cindy
Sep 28th 2011 16:42   
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