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Is it worth getting your own site?

by jimmy48
jimmy48 Advanced  
Now that's a big question. Is it worth getting your own site? Yes it is, Now I know that many affiliate marketers will say no it's not. That you can't compete with a professionaly designed, optimized site.
I'm not saying to. I'm saying there is room to have your own site that promotes all your busines interests on the same page.
You may be an affiliate of half a dozen programs and have a store selling gifts and be trying to build a downline in 5 or 10 traffic exchanges
I think it makes sense to bring all your interest together in one place. Build a resource with all your opportunities.
I'll leave it up to you to decide what opportunities but here's why I think you need your own page. Traffic volume. it's much easier to promote one page then 2 or 3 or 5 or 10.
But that's only half of it. Your own page gives you a way to tap into traffic programs you can't use as an affiliate. With your own page you can exchange links, add some banner exchanges, both free traffic banners and paid advertising like adsense. On some of my sites I have 3 traffic banners and a text link exchange with 5 links in it. For each page view I generate I get 1 1/2 credits in the banner exchanges and 2 1/2 credits in the text exchange plus I get income from my adsense banners.
Not counting that my prospects may be looking for a paticular type of opportunity which I hope they will find on my sites.

Let me know what you think
Good Luck and Good Fortune
Jun 11th 2007 23:55

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Joan F Nzerem Advanced   JustPrints10.99 an eBay Company
Yes I think it is the best idea; to have your own website. Not only for multiple promotion but to have something in your business you can really call your own.

With your website you can promote as many splash pages as you can afford.

You generate traffic to your individual landmark and be recognized for your hard work!

Jun 12th 2007 02:05   
jimmy48 Advanced   
I looked at your site. Very nice. I see that you have a variety of things on it. I see that you paid alot of attention to the keywords and head tags But I wopld suggest adding a blurb to the top of your page in support of your keywords otherwise it's just a case of keyword spamming.
I see you have a couple of paid banners at the bottom of the page but you don't have any traffic banners. I didn't see any adsense or other big paid ad program on your page but I didn't go through the whole site.
All in all a fine site
Jun 12th 2007 08:50   
Joan F Nzerem Advanced   JustPrints10.99 an eBay Company
If you take a look on the SearchBigDaddy link page you will find all the information you are looking for. Scroll down and review the entire page. You might miss out on some really great incentives if you dont.

I dont have any paid banner headings except AdBrite. If you were referring to SearchBigDaddy, you really have got to signup for this program it is "FREE" and fabulous. Signup and I will tell you all about!

You can't beat it anywhere!

Earn while you shop...

Wellness & Nutrition

Get back with me when you finish. Joan

Jun 12th 2007 13:12   
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