Tobacco Road

Growing tobacco is an Art! Just getting the color change to take place MUST BE under extreme ideal conditions of heat, moisture and air! I have not ...

by Patty d. Promotor OJS
Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
Growing tobacco is an Art! Just getting the color change to take place MUST BE under extreme ideal conditions of heat, moisture and air! I have not achieved the heat needed, which is 105 degrees at the least. The tote in the car gets quite hot but there is no air circulation so only reaching a gold tan color to date.
Sep 6th 2011 14:00

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Patty d. Senior   Promotor OJS
Feel free to join the conversations at the photo album on facebook! Don't forget to like it and/or share it! :) thanks everyone.
Sep 12th 2011 02:48   
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