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I've subcribed your group.please tell me what can i do for this?

by Iskandar Putarul Alam Logo Designer, Copy Writer, P.Shop
Iskandar Putarul Alam Advanced   Logo Designer, Copy Writer,...
i've subcribed your group.please tell me what can i do for this?
Aug 29th 2011 12:19

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Buy Great Products Professional   Affiliate Marketer
You have to share affiliate links if you want to take referrals.
Aug 29th 2011 13:20   
Patrick Isherwood Senior   Retired
Hello Iskandar, You need to go to and sign up as an affiliate. Then read about what you can do with the site. The idea is to get as many properties as you can listed on the site. Each site you list you will get paid.
Aug 31st 2011 11:44   
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