Alternative Health and Wellness

What some people say about Coral Calcium:

by Taisa Brosilovsky
Taisa Brosilovsky Advanced  
I use Coral Calcium because it is obtained from sea coral beds that no longer house living coral. That is in line with my philosophy which, simply stated, is that no animal life has to be sacrificed to maintain or enhance human life. But if you are not a vegetarian, then save your money and get any calcium in which the main ingredients are calcium carbonate. If you get it with magnesium and vitamin D, so much the better.

Calcium derived from oyster shells also contains the same ingredients, but since I can reasonably assume that the shells used have come from oysters that have been harvested and killed for food, I choose not to use it.

By the way, the best source of readily absorbed calcium comes from RAW milk, and NOT pasteurized milk. The process of pasteurization destroys the good bacteria and makes inert the beneficial enzymes and vitamins that are present in raw milk.

I should also add that I am not a doctor or a intuitionalist. I just follow my conscience, and supplement it with research from unbiased sources (well, if anything, biased towards the natural life, wholeness, and holistic thought).
On behalf of my friend experiance.
A matchmaker and chocolate lover.
Jun 10th 2007 12:44

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Thank you for your thoughts on this subject Taisa! This is a very unique perspective. I had never considered the vegetarian point of view.

Jun 11th 2007 11:38   
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