WordPress as your primary web system

Im new to wordpress

by Richard Edwards
Richard Edwards Advanced  
Hi there,

I am so glad I found this group. I am very new to wordpress and trying to make a blog on it. Trying to find a good theme to work with is hard to do when you don't know what to look for. Any advice would certainly be appreciated. I also would like to create a group and add this group to mine any advice on how to do that would also be appreciated.

Richard Edwards
nick yoursuccess

p.s. I just joined today and I would like to add you on my contact list and vice versa if that is possible.
Jun 10th 2007 12:24

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Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hi Richard,
As far as WP themes, there are literally thousands that you can choose from for free, or you can buy custom themes and have them tweaked just the way you want them and another option is to purchase pre-packaged themes that have been created to monetize your blog for you, with either Adsense or other plugins to promote your products or affiliate programs.
Oct 20th 2007 08:42   
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