The Law of Attraction Group

I just join The Law Attraction group, because knowing of this Law you can be captain over your own life. You have been given a great gift at birth, wh...

by QueenHajar Akanqi Entrepreneurship
QueenHajar Akanqi Professional   Entrepreneurship
I just join The Law Attraction group, because knowing of this Law you can be captain over your own life. You have been given a great gift at birth, which is your brain. You can direct your mind to what ever you want; that's The Law of Attraction. Many are using it weather they know it or not. It's the LAW.
Jul 4th 2011 00:19

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
It is indeed.... Welcome to the group!
Jul 4th 2011 08:34   
QueenHajar Akanqi Professional   Entrepreneurship
Well, thank you very much Cindy!
Jul 5th 2011 15:05   
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