Traffic Exchanges: Which ones Work for you?

Do you chat on TEs ? More and more TEs offer a chat feature. I believe they are very happy to do so, since we surf less and so earn less clicks. Am I ...

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Do you chat on TEs ? More and more TEs offer a chat feature. I believe they are very happy to do so, since we surf less and so earn less clicks. Am I wrong to think that? Of course, chat can be good to buid relationships. Where do you draw the line between credits getting and finding biz partners ?
Jun 25th 2011 12:48

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Pierre Fricker Senior   Web Illiterate
I saw some chats on TE's. One you could even switch ON and OFF the chat. Thinking back the chat was not very meaningful. I didn't participate.Actually the chat was more in the line of another social site we both know. I personally think there is a time for clicking and a time for chating.
Jun 25th 2011 17:06   
Jeffrey Cornish Freshman  
I have surfed with chat on a couple sites, but I found it to be yet another way for people to advertise, rather than any real conversation. I agree Eric, there is a time for both, and not at the same time!
I chose a more standard script for my site without the chat feature
Jul 26th 2011 21:50   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I wonder if the chat feature could be for owners to get more traffic from that stay longer and surf less, what do you think, Jeffrey ?
Jul 26th 2011 22:18   
Jeffrey Cornish Freshman  
@Philippe- That could be, once the idea catches on more. I have only run across 2 TAE with chat so far, and have not seen much chatting going on. some yes, but a lot more links tossed up than talking. I do think it was created for keeping people on the site longer, but to be honest everyone on a site benefits more from everyone surfing, and clicking links than chatting. I can sit on a site all day doing nothing, but I am not seeing ads and earning points that way. If everyone started chatting more and surfing less, the site would slow down and members who are serious about their advertising will leave. Until I see proof it is a beneficial asset, I will avoid them.
Jul 27th 2011 06:57   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
TAE, Jeffrey? Text Ad Exchanges?

Here I'm talking about TEs, i.e. Traffic Exchanges. Those that use the LFMTE script have the chat possibility, although they don't seem to use it all. Some other TEs like Thumbvu and StartXChange also have a chat.
Jul 27th 2011 09:43   
Jeffrey Cornish Freshman  
You are correct. From where I site they are all starting to blend together though. TE, TAE, Auto surfs, etc. The are all starting to ad more types of advertising tools to allow members to get ads out there. I am a member of 2 auto surfs that now have a host of banner, HTML ads, buttons, and more. My TAE has everything from solo mailers to manual surf pages and PTC ads. I think the line is getting very grey between them all.
Jul 27th 2011 09:58   
Marcy McManaway Senior   Marketing Specialist
You are missing the value of the chat feature... You will find that once you start you begin to know the people who surf there. Networking is a must for any business. People do business with people they know and like. The chat feature allows you to network.... I have met many great people by using the TE chat ...
Sep 5th 2011 20:56   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Marcy, you haven't answered my question. Where do you draw the line between chat and surf ?
Sep 5th 2011 20:58   
Marcy McManaway Senior   Marketing Specialist
Do you mean stopping to chat? I continue to surf as I chat.. I tab surf and if I am in a conversation in a particular exchange, I will pause a second to post then come back to it when it comes back in my rotation... Not hard at all. Of course you don't have to chat everytime you surf. On those days I may turn chat off just to surf.
Sep 5th 2011 21:04   
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