Making Money is work but also can be fun

Making money while doing work

by Nolan
Nolan Innovator  
HI there from Nolan,

I just signed up with I get paid anywhere from one penny up to five dollars to view ads. It not a alot of money but hey you open a link then miniamize it and do something else for 30 second and get the credit. Heres a link if you would like to check it out. I am still learning how to set up one touch links so please forgive me for having to put this one in by hand. http/
Jun 9th 2007 09:45

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Diane Cooke Advanced   
Have you learned the click UBB Code yet? When you start a discussion there is a link at the bottom that will tell you the codes. I have learned the link one it is [url]then the link you want with no spaces then[/url] at the other end. This makes it much easier for people but is not possible on comments in Apsense. Only in the starting discussion.
I am in ClixSense already but have been disappointed with how many links there are even for an upgraded member after the initial 500.
I believe POAD is going to make me rich but it needs some effort and will be $11 a month when it is launched on 1st August. I have a few referrals now and am going to help my downline with their advertising. It is so exciting that I just want to tell the whole world so that they can benefit too.
Best wishes with your promotions.
Jun 30th 2007 16:23   
Dorothy Wiggins Innovator   
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Jun 13th 2008 08:55   
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