Article Writer Club

Tips to Boost Your Article Views

by Mohann Krish
Mohann Krish Advanced  
After the Panda update, ezines have lost their ground and that includes
EzineArticles as well. But
eHow has maintained its status even post-Panda due to
a simple factor. This article is to highlight what makes article writing even
today the most valuable method for building links as well as traffic.


If you analyze the success of eHow, you will notice that the
articles get picked up by Google considering them as authoritative whereas the
practical expert in the field is hardly considered worth noticing. Thus, a
medical expert's advice on a particular disease gets ignored by the search
engines but the lay writer touting as having expertise in that disease gets
noticed on the top page of search!


I do not want to recommend employing unethical ways of dealing this
phenomena, What I want to stress is the fact that the author resource box is to
be used effectively to reflect one's authority. If you have the expertise, show it!
If you have an authoritative ebook on the subject, give a direct download
instead of an opt-in squeeze page. If you have worked in the field of website
design for ten years, mention it so. More than the article itself it's the
resource box.


Coming to the tip. Once you publish your article in EzineArticles,
follow it up with an announcement giving the article link in your blog,
website, link exchanges, click ad pages and not to forget APSense pages. As the
article gets viewed, its rank in EzineArticles gets a big boost.
Together with the ezine's high PageRank and the downloads of your articles, you get a
good search engine ranking.
Jun 7th 2011 01:31

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Mohann Krish Advanced   
Thanks to those who have topped this page!
Jun 7th 2011 19:33   
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