Evo is coming

by Ken
Ken Innovator
Hi folks, good to be here with such a dedicated team of business people and I need you all to take a look at this opportunity before it goes live to the general public.

I have some advanced information about a new opportunity about to launch. Pre launch is set for July 15th but as I am in their previous program I'll be getting one of the first emails letting me know that it's
open for registering

This is from a top UK 5 year old debt free MLM company with a very forward thinking management team with whom I have personally met with.

The business takes advantage of three combined, global "megatrends": online GAME PLAYING, SOCIAL NETWORKING, and SOCIAL MARKETING.

Based on two years of research and development, the unshakeable conviction is that this ground-breaking programme will send a shockwave around the Internet marketing world

As soon as you make any money it's paid direct into your account, no more waiting for cheques etc. Multi levels of income available.

Based on market analyst DFC Intelligence's figures, this market is currently worth $5.2 billion USD per annum - or $164 per second. In the next 156 weeks that figure is expected to escalate to a staggering $412 USD per second:

'll get to know sometime this weekend. Let me know if you are at all interested by sending me an email to

Please don't miss out on this one. Ken
UK 01207 284343
Jun 9th 2007 04:23

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Rina R. Professional   1 Of A Kind VIRTUAL ASSISTANT
Welcome to the group.

Thank you for the update. Wishing you much luck in your business for 2009.

We hope to see you again.

Feb 25th 2009 10:46   
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