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Why is it so hard to make money online?

by Lisa E. Affiliate/Social/Digital MArketer
Lisa E. Committed   Affiliate/Social/Digital...
I have found trying to work online in marketing is somewhat difficult. Don't get me wrong but it is really frustrating when you try everything possible and nothing seems to work. You try every method possible including the old fashion ones and still nothing. What should a person do? Give up or keep trying. I guess this really depends on if you are a fighter or not.

What are some of the methods that you as a person have tried?

I will list some methods and see if anyone else have tried them.

1.Online classified boards
2. website submission services
3. blogs
4.word of mouth
5.traffic websites

Are they working? Yes.
Are they generating income? No
What to do now? I am stumped.
Any advice I am open to it.
Thanks for being in my group.
Good Luck !!
May 20th 2011 09:12

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Mattie Williams Advanced   Affiliate Marketing And Design
Online Marketing is hard and it takes a lots of persistence. You listed some great methods but it depends on how you implement those methods. It may just be that only a simple tweak is needed. A lots of people have been successful by joining lots of social sites and making friends before making the sale.

Try to attend free webinars that are given by the marketing experts, because you can pick up a lots of good tips that way.

I joined, which generally promotes CPA offers, however, they have webinars every week with different speakers and you can gain a lots of knowledge by listening and also they record the webinars.

Most people that are making big money had a struggles in the beginning so don't give up.
Just keep trying and changing and modifying and soon it will start to pay off.
Jun 22nd 2011 10:16   
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