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Website Rotator for Improved Results!

by Alan Santna Online Money Maker
Alan Santna Senior   Online Money Maker
Website Rotator for Improved Results!
Filed under Advertising Strategies
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Website Rotator is a great advertising tool that will make your life
easier in many ways when you have to set up tons of advertising or when
you are working together with a team building a downline. There are many
benefits and advantages for using a Website Rotator and you should
always have one in your Tools box. I will discuss the benefits, ways to
use one, when to use one and how to use it.

A Website Rotator is exactly what the name says. A program that
rotates websites specifically links. E.g. If you have have two different
products that are related and you want to promote them in one single ad
then using a rotator is the best choice.

I was using a personal rotator that is a php script that I found
online and set up myself manually and actually go through some problems
in the process, I got tired of it and decided it was not worth the pain
when you can find cheap and good rotators online that offers the best
service you can use or need.

In this post I will be referring to

As the same says it has a free version with Ads and a paid version that
costs as low as $10usd in an entire year, which is less than $1usd per
month and it also has a referral program.

* The Benefits of using a Rotator.

If you are building a team and using the service above you can rotate
as many links as you want, you have a link that gives you public stats
for all the links and you can even set up priority for each link. Your
settings are editable at any time, you can have 10 links at one moment
and then decide to remove them all and leave just one.

For Permanent ads (I call permanent ads, those as : Classifieds
online and offline, e-mail ads, forums ads, those ads that cannot be
edited after posted.) is really good because even though the ad is not
editable anymore or you don’t even have access anymore to it (Like
e-mail ads) you can just go to your rotator back office and edit the
link, for example when you meet a quota or something.

For forums signature is great because you can use a generic signature like “Make Money Online” and use the rotator to promote all of your programd and / or products at the same time.

I could go on with the benefits but I guess you got the idea.

* Ways to use a Website Rotator, When and How!

The best ways to use a rotator is when you are building team wise by
placing all of your team members into the rotator, this gives the
advantage to each person to get the same chances of getting sign ups or
sales. It is also always good to purchase a domain and redirect it using
masking to your rotator link. The link will always looks something like
this, with a domain you will make it look
more professional and it only costs few dollars.

As explained in the benefits above you should use one when you are
doing permanent ads to have the possibilities to edit the link later in
the future if needed.

If you want additional information about Website Rotators let me know in the comment, this is a most needed tool.

I can also write a step by step post with instructions on how to set up one.

If you find this post useful please share it and lave a comment.

Kind Regards

Dirson Jimenez Santana (strosdegoz)
Apr 28th 2011 20:11

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Prabir Kumar Roy Advanced   Educationist
Good to learn.
May 9th 2011 00:11   
Prabir Kumar Roy Advanced   Educationist
Pls furnish me more.
May 9th 2011 00:17   
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