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How To Find Good Content For Your Website

by Janet G. Educator, Author, Artist
Janet G. Senior Educator, Author, Artist
    Forums are filled with people who know more about any given topic than you do.  While you can’t plagiarize what they are saying, you sure can learn a lot.  If you don’t understand something there will be people to help you.

    When I come up with a new niche idea, or concept for a content site, one of the first things I do is go to 
A few hours reading through sitepoint can be worth several thousand dollars in ideas. 

    There are also other great forums, but when it comes to internet marketing there is none better than the “Warrior Forum”

    There are places like Niche Site Special that sells entire website packs, places like Nicheology that sells the “guts” of an idea, or freelancers who have article packs.

    Also, if you are looking to get a whole lot of content all at once, go to:

Another place to get exactly what you want written is in forums. Just ask for writers to give you bids on content about XYZ.  You can also go to places like Scriptlance and get 100’s of writers, programmers, and editors bidding on your project.

    Just beware – you get what you pay for. Many “low” bids will just be stolen work. Make sure you use Copyscape on anything you buy…before you pay.

    I realize though that I am not an expert on everything.  There are thousands of people that know more than I do about a zillion things.  When it’s time to write some new content on something I am not very familiar with, I start reading blogs, forums, and articles on the topic. 

    I take notes so I can refresh myself on the topics.  When I am done learning about the topic I sit down and start writing.   I end up with an original piece of work, and my notes let me reference any sources that I should.
Mar 26th 2011 11:23

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