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What would you do if you could build a passive income while you promote your other opportunities?

by JD McCoy
JD McCoy Advanced  
I was just asking this question because I have something that I recently joined that does just that. I keep watching it grow daily. I am working on all of the other stuff I do through the day and just let it sit there and at the end of the month the points you have accrued get turned into money.  I was just wondering how many others might consider doing this if they had the opportunity. 
Mar 16th 2011 15:58

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Rob Blanshard Advanced   Online Business Marketer
Hi. I would like to ask how long have you been doing it, and are you really earning without having paid Anything.

Sorry for sounding sceptical, but after 6 years of looking I've yet to find Any opportunity where you can earn an income from a "100% Free" position, especially the figures and time frame they state, $50,000+ in 90 days.

Best regards,

Rob Blanshard.
Mar 28th 2011 14:27   
Nishit Dave Advanced   Pixworthy
Jamie, I am following you. Thanks for sharing the opportunity !
Mar 30th 2011 06:19   
Katrina O. Professional   Indiana Water Filters
Rob, really, after 6 years, I am sure you know there is no "fast big cash"! Work and persistence are key! Focus helps too! Good question, BTW...I would like to know the answer as well!
Mar 30th 2011 11:49   
Rob Blanshard Advanced   Online Business Marketer
Katrina, I DO know that there is no "fast big cash"... but when the promos make such claims, I would like to hear an honest response from someone who is involved, if they are really experiencing such results as are advertised, hence my question to Jamie.
Apr 4th 2011 06:30   
JD McCoy Advanced   
An honest response....No I have not made a lot of money but it is building and as people continue to sign up I will earn more. I have only been doing it for a month now and I have earned some...but that is the reason I said building a passive income while promoting your other programs. The program says you can make that much in a short time but I have only been doing it for a month now and while the money is accruing and growing I am looking forward to seeing what it can do. Most of it really depends on if you follow the 5 steps that you have set up for promoting them free of cost. If you follow the steps then yes the potential is there for the earning and they have other programs that you might already be a prart of and if you are great and if you aren't then you don't have to joint them it just gives you a chance to build your downline that way on them as well only advertising one link and giving the people that sign up under you just as much opportunity to get in on those if they choose and if they choose not to but others under them choose to do any of those programs then they rollup into your downline in those programs if you are in them. yes it takes the work of advertising because you truly will not get anywhere with them if you don't but if you are able to earn the points just for yourself you can still earn a small amount after a little while. I hope this answers your question.
Apr 4th 2011 19:33   
JD McCoy Advanced   
I also did not join this program expecting get rich quick but if it helps out while I am building the other programs I am in then every little bit extra never hurts.
Apr 4th 2011 19:35   
JD McCoy Advanced   
Nishit Dave I am glad you see the program and its opportunities. You can gain from it and earn like I am doing even if it is a little bit at a time.
Apr 4th 2011 19:36   
Nishit Dave Advanced   Pixworthy
Jamie I am glad it is making you money however the kind of effort it demands to generate a list, the same effort will earn me more money elsewhere. This program is ideal for someone who is starting out. Unfortunately, I had to unsubscribe from the list as they were excessively spamming my inbox.
Apr 5th 2011 10:18   
JD McCoy Advanced   
Which list was spamming you? I have not gotten a bunch of mail from any of the programs I joined on there.
Apr 5th 2011 13:10   
JD McCoy Advanced   
I am curious.. Did you join a safelist?
Apr 5th 2011 13:24   
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